Sunday, January 10, 2016

How to install Turbo C/C++ for PC or Android

How to install Turbo C/C++ for PC or Android

If you are from India and have started learning C/C++ programming in your school and colleges then you have definitely used Turbo C++ compiler. Still many schools, colleges and institutions in India prefer Turbo C++ for teaching students. I will recommend you to use Turbo C++ compiler for android also you can use C4droid is available in play store for paid. I will try best to give you C4droid free for download thus join with us.

How to install Turbo C/C++ in Android ???

   Follow the Steps While Download and Install

    1. First of all download Turbo C++ for Android given below!!!
    2. It is compressed so you need to extract it. This is done by by Es File Manager download by 
    3.   Now after extracting you will get a folder TC and an .apk file AnDosBox.
    4.   Look How to Extract Through ES File manager.
    5.  Install AnDosBox and move TC folder in your sd card (e.g.where your moblie make application data like present e.g Shareit,Xender etc it may be internal) remember that TC folder must be in sd card not in any other subfolder.
    6. Now open AnDosBox that you have already installed. It will look same as like DoxBox that is used in windows.
    7. Enter below lines or commands and press enter after each line. You can get the keyboard by pressing the option button situated at left side of your device or  slide up in your screen where HOME BUTTON is present.
        This command repeat all time.
          1. cd tc
          2. cd bin
          3. tc
          Important Points for Configuration :-               

          If  you are not interested to write command every time Then it required custom configuration in there source file.Lets see...
          >Have to edit the file ' dosbox.conf '

          <> Where we get this file !!!
          >Present at internal where you paste the TC folder there you will get ' dosbox.conf ' file.
          > just open it any note editor c: Paste the command given below .
          cd tc
          cd bin
          >And save it . Then you don't want write again ...

          What this command means.

          cd denote a directory 
          tc denote a TC folder 

          #Code Learning Application  are best for Student 
            /Refer this App for newbie learning C/C++ Language /

            Turbo C/C++ download for Android 
            Google drive

            If you don't like Turbo C/C++ on Android then you can use another direct Compilation App!!! called as "C4DROID"


             C4droid it available on play store but its paid.
             I will providing you C4droid in free. Download from given below.

             Download from Here


            How install Turbo C/C++ in Computer???

              Turbo C/C++ while installing in computer doesn't required any special configuration, just install like normal software .


               Download from Here

            Latest Version


             If you have any doubt then please comment below .Also you may join with Techy4you Community Facebook Group or Facebook page to get regular updates.



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